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  1. Welcome to the Harpo Marx Website. My name is Bill Marx, and my dad is Harpo Marx. I created this site on behalf of The Harpo Marx Foundation and his family so that visitors who stop by can see a different perspective on Harpo... and learn sides of the man that might not be very obvious from that crazy fright-wigged character who chases girls in Marx Brothers movies.

  2. Harpo Marx pysytteli poikamiehenä huomattavan kauan, yli neljä­kymmentä­vuotiaaksi saakka. Lopulta hän avioitui näyttelijä Susan Flemingin kanssa, joka piiritti Marxia neljä vuotta, ennen kuin Marx antoi periksi. Marxin paris­kunta adoptoi neljä lasta: Billin, Alexin, Jimmyn (James Arthur) sekä Minnien.

  3. Los cinco hermanos eran hijos de Samuel y Minnie Marx, 1 que habían tenido en 1886 a su primer hijo, Manfred, que murió siete meses después de gripe. El núcleo del grupo fueron los tres hermanos mayores, Chico, Harpo y Groucho, cada uno de los cuales interpretaba a un tipo de personaje. Los dos hermanos más jóvenes, Gummo y Zeppo, no ...

  4. Harpo Marx Brothers - YouTube. Watch the legendary comedian Harpo Marx show his amazing skills on the harp in this video clip. Enjoy his unique style of humor and music that made him a star of the ...

  5. …and Lassaparri’s former dresser (Harpo Marx). During the trip they become entangled with the charming young opera singer Rosa (Kitty Carlisle). After the ship docks, further comic mishaps ensue as the men try to help the careers of Rosa and Baroni. Read More

  6. Family background and early life The only known photo of the entire surviving Marx family, c. 1915. From left: Groucho, Gummo, Minnie (mother), Zeppo, Sam (father), Chico, and Harpo. The Marx Brothers were born in New York City, the sons of Jewish immigrants from Germany and France.Their mother Miene "Minnie" Schoenberg (professionally known as Minnie Palmer, later the brothers' manager) was ...

  7. Harpo Marx. Chico, Groucho e Harpo en 1948. Adolph Arthur Marx, máis coñecido coma Harpo Marx, nado en Nova York o 23 de novembro de 1888 e finado nos Ánxeles o 28 de setembro de 1964, foi un dos Irmáns Marx, un grupo de Vodevil e artistas do Teatro de Broadway que despois se fixeron famosos en todo o mundo polas súas intervencións no cinema.