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  1. 19 de feb. de 2015 · Cortes, J, Baselga, J, Im, YH, et al. Health-related quality-of-life assessment in CLEOPATRA, a phase III study combining pertuzumab with trastuzumab and docetaxel in metastatic breast cancer. Ann ...

  2. Cleopatra III . Cleopatra III 1, Euergetis 2 and Philometor Soteira 3, believed also to have been known as Kokke 4, queen of Egypt, daughter of Ptolemy VI and Cleopatra II 5, date of birth unknown but estimated at c. 160/155 6, probably not engaged to Ptolemy VIII before his accession 7, incorporated in the dynastic cult between 18 Mesore ...

  3. Cleopatra III, Reina de Egipto (155-101 a.C.). ( Kleopatra o Qlwptrt) Reina de Egipto, hija de Ptolomeo VI y de Cleopatra II. Mediante su matrimonio con Ptolomeo VIII, tío suyo y marido de su madre -a la que había repudiado para unirse a ella-, Cleopatra III logró cumplir su ambición de llegar a ser reina de Egipto. Para ello hubo de vivir ...

  4. Cleopatra III was the powerful queen of Egypt who was born in 155 BC and ruled Egypt until her death in 101 BC. Her reign comprised a series of unbelievable stories about her scandalous personal and political life. As stated before, she was born in the prestigious family of Ptolemy VI Philometor and Cleopatra II, but her story was marred by ...

  5. › wiki › Cleopatra_IICleopatra II - Wikipedia

    Cleopatra II led a rebellion against Ptolemy VIII in 132/1 BC, and drove him and Cleopatra III out of Alexandria at the end of 131 BC. At this time Ptolemy VIII is said to have had Ptolemy Memphites, his son by his older sister, Cleopatra II, dismembered and his head, hands and feet sent to Cleopatra II in Alexandria as a birthday present.

  6. Cleopatra III primary name: Cleopatra III Details individual; ruler; royal/imperial; Egyptian; Greek; Female. Life dates 116BC-81BC. Biography Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt; wife and coregent of Ptolemy IX Soter II (q.v.) and Ptolemy X Alexander I (q.v.). 9 related objects. block. Museum number 1881,0824.138 ...

  7. III. Kleopátra (görög betűkkel: Κλεοπάτρα i. e. 160 körül – i. e. 101) az ókori Egyiptom ptolemaida királynője, VI. Ptolemaiosz és II. Kleopátra leánya; Egyiptom társuralkodója anyjával és közös férjükkel, VIII. Ptolemaiosszal i. e. 142 és 131, majd 127 és 116 között, később pedig fiaival, IX. Ptolemaiosszal és X. Ptolemaiosszal i. e. 116 és 101 között.