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  1. Walter Karl Ernst August von Reichenau (Karlsruhe, 8 ottobre 1884 – Poltava, 17 gennaio 1942) è stato un generale (feldmaresciallo) tedesco durante la seconda guerra mondiale Biografia. Figlio di un generale prussiano, Reichenau entrò in servizio nel 1903. Prese parte alla prima ...

  2. 8 de feb. de 2017 · Walther von Reichenau was born October 8th, 1884 in Karlsruhe. He descended from a typical Prussian military family. His father was Generalleutnant in the Prussian army. In 1903, after graduation, Walther followed in the foot prints of his father and enrolled in the army. He was posted to the 1.Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment in 1904, and in the ...

  3. Walter von Reichenau. Walter von Reichenau, the son of a Prussian general, was born in Germany on 16th August, 1884. He joined the German Army when he was eighteen and in 1904 became an officer in the 1st Guards Field Artillery Regiment. In May 1914 entered the War Academy in Berlin where he underwent General Staff training.

  4. von Reichenau, Walter Gustav Karl August Ernst * 8. Oktober 1884, Karlsruhe † 17. Januar 1942, zwischen Lemberg und Leipzig . Walther von Reichenau trat am 14. März 1903 nach seinem Abitur am königlichen Gymnasium Düsseldorf als Fahnenjunker in die Königlich Preußische Armee ein.

  5. Walther von Reichenau was born to a Prussian general and followed his father's footsteps by joining the German Army in 1902. By 1904, he was an officer with the 1st Guards Field Artillery Regiment. He entered War Academy in 1914, and then fought in WW1 on the Western Front, earning an Iron Cross. He remained in the army after Germany's defeat.

  6. Se le asignó el mando del 6º Ejército durante la campaña de Francia, siendo ascendido a Mariscal de Campo el 19 de julio de 1940. Acompañado de su oficial adjunto, el General Friedrich Paulus, el General von Reichenau recibió la rendición de Bélgica de las manos de su rey, Leopoldo III. Tomó parte de la Operación Barbarroja al mando ...

  7. Walter von Reichenau (8 de outubro de 1884, Karlsruhe – 17 de janeiro de 1942, Rússia) foi um marechal-de-campo do exército alemão durante a II Guerra Mundial. Filho de um general prussiano , Reichenau entrou para o exército em 1902 e lutou na frente ocidental da I Guerra Mundial , onde recebeu a Cruz de Ferro e chegou ao fim do conflito como capitão .