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  1. Léonide Massine (Moscou, 9 d'agost de 1896 - Borken i Colònia, 15 de març de 1979) fou un ballarí i coreògraf rus. És considerat una de les figures més importants de la dansa del segle xx.. Es va formar en interpretació i dansa en l'escola imperial de Moscou. El 1913 va ingressar en els Ballets Russos de Serge Diaghilev fins al 1920, on participà com a coreógraf.

  2. Léonide Massine. Born in Moscow in 1895, Leonide Massine received his ballet training at the renowned Imperial Theatre School. While he performed in character roles in ballets at the Bolshoi Theatre, he simultaneously was developing a passion for acting and appeared in plays at the Maly Theatre. He considered a career as an actor but in 1913 ...

  3. Leonid Massine Leonid Fyodorovich Miassin Bailarín y coreógrafo estadounidense de origen ruso Leonid Massine nació el 9 de agosto de 1896 en Moscú. Estudiante del ballet en el Teatro Imperial de Moscú, fue el protegido del productor de ballet ruso Sergei Diáguilev. Con los Ballets Rusos debutó en 1914, un año más tarde inicia su carrera como coreógrafo.

  4. Léonide Massine (1896–1979) was a Russian dancer and choreographer. He and Picasso worked together on the ballet production Parade in 1917 for Sergei Diaghilev’s theater company the Ballet Russes. Ballet Russes, Programme Officiel (1919–1920), (ill.). Christian Zervos, Pablo Picasso III (Paris, 1949), p. 105, no. 297 (ill.).

  5. 18 de nov. de 2014 · Leslie Norton. McFarland, Nov 18, 2014 - Performing Arts - 380 pages. The great Russian choreographer Leonide Massine was the most important figure in modernist ballet in the 1930s, known for works such as Gaite Parisienne and The Three-Cornered Hat. His versatility and scope made his choreography the most representative of the century.

  6. Léonide Massine dans le rôle du Prestidigitateur chinois de Parade, musique d'Erik Satie, créé au théâtre du Châtelet en 1917.. Il a étudié la danse dès l'âge de huit ans à l'École impériale du Bolchoï de Moscou.. De 1915 à 1921, il fut le principal chorégraphe des Ballets russes de Serge de Diaghilev.Après le départ de Vaslav Nijinski, la grande étoile masculine de la ...

  7. › LeonideMassineLEONIDE MASSINE

    Massine on Choreography. In November 2002, he was posthumously inducted into the National Museum of Dance's Vanderbilt Whitney Hall of Fame. The Annual Premio Positano, created in 1969, was renamed the Positano Premia La Danza Léonide Massine in 1979 and was combined with the Prix Benois in 2015 to become the Prix Benois-Massine Moscow-Positano.