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  1. The Wanderer is a science fiction novel by American writer Fritz Leiber, published as a paperback original by Ballantine Books in 1964. It won the 1965 Hugo Award for Best Novel.. Following its initial paperback edition, The Wanderer was reissued in hardcover by Walker & Co. in 1969, by Gregg Press in 1980, and by the Easton Press in 1991, as well as a Science Fiction Book Club edition in 1987.

  2. Recordado frecuentemente como un escritor de ciencia-ficción, la vida de Fritz Leiber es mucho más compleja que la de un simple escritor. Fritz Reuter Leiber Jr fue hijo de un notable actor shakesperiano y una actriz del cine mudo. Inclinado inicialmente hacia esos campos, intervino como actor en la compañía de su padre de 1934 a 1936, fecha en la que decidió asentarse como escritor.

  3. Fritz Leiber has 1145 books on Goodreads with 259208 ratings. Fritz Leiber’s most popular book is Swords and Deviltry (Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, #1).

  4. 24 de dic. de 2020 · One might get the idea that Leiber liked writing letters and non-fiction essays for magazines. One would be absolutely correct in making such a supposition. Fritz started way back in 1944, sending in letters and essays to the legendary fanzine, The Acolyte.He would go on to write more letters to various pulps, as well as classier venues like The Arkham Sampler, from the late '40s through the '50s.

  5. › wiki › Fritz_LeiberFritz Leiber - Wikipedia

    Fritz Reuter Leiber, Jr. (n. 24 decembrie 1910 – d. 5 septembrie 1992) a fost un scriitor american de literatură științifico-fantastică, fantezie și horror. Romanul său „ The Big Time ” a câștigat Premiul Hugo pentru cel mai bun roman în anul 1958. Romanul său „ The Wanderer ” a câștigat Premiul Hugo pentru cel mai bun ...

  6. › wiki › Fritz_LeiberFritz Leiber - FritzWiki

    Fritz Reuter Leiber Jr. was one of the more interesting of the young writers who came into HP Lovecraft's orbit, and some of his best early short fiction is horror rather than sf or fantasy. He found his mature voice early in the first of the sword-and-sorcery adventures featuring the large sensitive barbarian Fafhrd and the small street-smart-ish Gray Mouser; he returned to this series at ...

  7. Fritz Leiber Ha scritto romanzi di genere fantasy, fantascientifico e horror, vincendo numerosi premi tra cui sei Hugo e due Nebula. Tra le sue opere più celebri I tre tempi del destino (1957), Il Grande Tempo (1958), Novilunio (1964) e le numerose storie di Fafhrd e il Gray Mouser, pubblicate nell'arco di cinquant'anni a partire dal 1939, con le quali ha dato origine al genere "sword and ...