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  1. Instead, the occurrence or absence of Aurelia is correlated to winter conditions. Seawater temperatures are within the limits for strobulation (4° to 10°C) from December to April. Since 1987 till 2003 there were no records of medusa of Aurelia aurita in Belgium in the years 1994, 1995, 2000 and 2002.

  2. Aurelia aurita (juga dikenal dengan ubur-ubur bulan) adalah spesies di dalam famili Ulmaridae. Semua spesies dalam genus saling berkaitan erat, dan sulit untuk mengidentifikasi medusa Aurelia tanpa pengambilan sampel genetik, sebagian besar apa yang berlaku sama bagi semua spesies dalam genus.. Ubur-ubur ini tampak tembus pandang, biasanya berukuran sekitar 25-40 cm, dan dapat diidentifikasi ...

  3. › marine-life › moon-jellyMoon Jelly | Oceana

    Sexually mature moon jellies are the animals we see swimming around the open ocean (known as medusae), with which we are most familiar. The distinct horseshoe-shaped structures at the top of the medusa’s bell are the gonads. These adults reproduce via external fertilization, where females release eggs and males release sperm into the water ...

  4. Maximum diameter: 50 cm (Ref. 358 ); Height, from 10 to 12.5 cm; diameter, being able to reach 40 to 50 cm (Ref. 363 ). Plane sunshade; comprising very many tentacles courts with the periphery. One counts 4 oral arms; and 4 sexual organs; of annular form or in the horseshoe shape very many radiate channels. Coloring: generally translucent, with ...

  5. Aurelia aurita (de asemenea, numită luna jeleu, luna meduză,meduza comună, sau meduza farfurie) este o specie foarte studiată din genul Aurelia. Toate speciile din gen sunt strâns legate, și este dificil să se identifice Aurelia medusae fără eșantioane genetice; cele mai multe dintre cele ce urmează se aplică în mod egal pentru toate speciile din gen.

  6. 18 de may. de 2022 · Late gastrula stage of Aurelia aurita embryos: archenteron moves towards the aboral pole. (A) SEM of an embryo with the wide opening of the blastopore. (B) Optical section through an embryo; the tip of the archenteron does not come into contact with the blastocoel roof, and the blastocoel is still present; black arrows show the nuclei locating at the base of the ectoderm (DAPI staining—blue ...

  7. 1 de ene. de 1997 · Aurelia aurita was always present in the all seasons Small individuals of M. leidyi (<10 mm) were observed throughout the year, and mean lengths of individuals increased from summer to spring, ...

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