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  1. Martin Bormann i Adolf Hitler, 1941 Bormann założył fundusz Adolf-Hitler-Spende der deutschen Wirtschaft , który zbierał pieniądze od niemieckich przemysłowców w jego imieniu. Część funduszy otrzymanych w ramach tego programu została wypłacona różnym przywódcom partyjnym, ale Bormann zachował większość na własny użytek Führera.

  2. Martin Ludwig Bormann (Wegeleben, 17 juni 1900 – Berlijn, 2 mei 1945) was een prominente nazi-ambtenaar.Hij werd het hoofd van de partijkanselarij (Parteikanzlei) en privésecretaris van Adolf Hitler.Hij kreeg het vertrouwen van Hitler en verwierf enorm veel macht binnen het Derde Rijk doordat hij de controle had over de toegang tot de Führer en door het regelen van de activiteiten van de ...

  3. Martin Bormann was head of the Party Chancellery and private secretary of Adolf Hitler, who by the end of World War II had become second only to the Fuhrer himself in terms of real political power.. Bormann was born on June 17, 1900, in Halberstadt, Germany.The son of a former Prussian regimental sergeant-major who later became a post-office employee, Bormann dropped out of school to work on a ...

  4. Martin Ludwig Bormann (Wegeleben, 17 giugno 1900 – Berlino, 2 maggio 1945) è stato un politico, generale e criminale di guerra tedesco. Capo della cancelleria del NSDAP ( Parteikanzlei ) e segretario personale di Adolf Hitler , fu tra i membri più importanti nella gerarchia della Germania nazista .

  5. Martin Bormann (17. června 1900, Halberstadt – 2. května 1945, Berlín) byl vysoký činitel nacistického Německa, ... Adolf Hitler jej ve své závěti označil za „svého nejvěrnějšího muže“ a jejího vykonavatele. Nenáviděná osoba Bormann se velmi ...

  6. 2 de abr. de 2021 · Martin Adolf Bormann Jr. as a Roman Catholic priest ( Martin Adolf Bormann Jr. (1930-2013) was the eldest son of Martin Bormann. He had the nickname “Crown Prince.” As a teenager, he lived a life of plenty and was an ardent young Nazi. After the war, he felt the burden of his father’s sins and became a Roman Catholic priest.

  7. 4 de may. de 1998 · Martin Bormann: Hitler's henchman. Hapless reporters have travelled the globe in search of Hitler's confidante. More has been written about Martin Bormann since his disappearance in the dying days of World War II than during his lifetime as right-hand man to Adolf Hitler. During the war, most Germans had never even heard of this shadowy figure.