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  1. Swarthmore provides a variety of courses, some of which are subsidised by public funding based on your circumstances or the nature of the course. Please note that if you are claiming a fee reduction for your course and have signed your declaration, you are confirming that you are eligible and will need to provide evidence prior to your class starting.

  2. 斯沃斯莫尔学院(Swarthmore College),一所位于美国宾夕法尼亚州斯沃斯莫尔镇(费城西南17公里)的文理学院。斯沃斯莫尔学院与阿默斯特学院(Amherst College)和威廉姆斯学院(Williams College)常年位居文理学院的前三名,它的新生录取率不到10%(2018),与加州理工学院相当,比麻省理工学院还要低 ...

  3. Swarthmore College Rankings. See where this school lands in our other rankings to get a bigger picture of the institution's offerings. #4 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie) #4 in Best Value ...

  4. 斯沃斯莫爾學院 (英語: Swarthmore College )是一所私立的美國文理學院。. 斯沃斯莫爾學院坐落於 賓夕法尼亞州 費城西部約11英里的斯沃斯莫爾小鎮里。. 學校擁有註冊學生約1,500名。. 成立於1864年,是 三校聯盟 (英語:Tri-College Consortium) 的成員之一。.

  5. Additional Offices & Services. Business Office - Provides budgeting and accounting services to the campus community. Budget Office - Works to ensure the College’s fiscal sustainability through the equitable allocation of resources visible through the Operating Budget. Career Services - Helps students find internships, externships, and other ...

  6. Learn more about admissions, student life, alumni outcomes, and the major initiatives that will shape the future of our campus.

  7. 스와스모어 칼리지의 위치. 스워스모어 칼리지 ( 영어: Swarthmore College )는 미국 펜실베이니아주 필라델피아 에서 남서쪽으로 20분 정도 떨어진 스워스모어 에 있는 칼리지이다. 대학원 과정이 없는 학부 중심의 소규모 사립 4년제 리버럴 아츠 칼리지 인 이 대학은 ...