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  1. John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. (4. července 1872 Plymouth Notch, Vermont – 5. ledna 1933 Northampton, Massachusetts) byl 30. prezident a 29. viceprezident Spojených států amerických. Byl starší ze dvou dětí rodičů Johna Calvina a Victorie Moor Coolidgeových.

  2. Calvin Coolidge came to office upon the sudden death of President Harding. He led the nation through the Roaring 20’s and managed to spend some time in the R...

  3. 小約翰·卡爾文·柯立芝(英語: John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. , / ˈ k uː l ɪ dʒ / ;1872年7月4日—1933年1月5日),第30任美國總統,共和黨籍。 佛蒙特州律師出身,在麻薩諸塞州政界奮鬥多年後成為州長。 1920年大選時作為沃倫·蓋瑪利爾·哈定的競選夥伴成功當選第29任副總統。 1923年,哈定在任內病逝 ...

  4. Calvin Coolidge Quotes - BrainyQuote. American - President July 4, 1872 - January 5, 1933. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts.

  5. 16 de feb. de 2022 · Calvin Coolidge served as the thirtieth president of the United States (1923-29), assuming the presidency upon the death of Warren G. Harding. This guide provides access to digital materials, external websites, and a selected print bibliography.

  6. Calvin Coolidge, pe numele său complet John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. (n. 4 iulie 1872 - d. 5 ianuarie 1933) a fost cel de-al douăzeci și nouălea vicepreședinte (1921 - 1923) și cel de-al treizecilea președinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii (1923 - 1929), succedând în oficiul președinției după moartea lui Warren G. Harding.

  7. Biography of Calvin Coolidge by Encyclopedia Britannica. Related Documents. Search all documents. September 14, 1919. Telegram to the President of the American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers on the Boston Police Strike. November 02, 1920. Statement Following the Presidential Election.

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