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  1. John Towner Williams (New York, 8 februari 1932) is een Amerikaans componist van filmmuziek. Hij is een van de bekendste naoorlogse filmcomponisten. Tevens wordt hij verantwoordelijk geacht voor de heropleving van de klassieke filmmuziek. [bron?] Hij was tevens dirigent van het Boston Pops Orchestra.

  2. John Williams (Paramaribo, 27 december 1969) is een Nederlands presentator en acteur. Hij maakt veelal hulpprogramma's. Biografie. John Williams werd door zijn grootmoeder in Sint Philipsland grootgebracht en wilde als kind profvoetballer worden. Toen zijn grootmoeder uit ...

  3. 26 de ene. de 2023 · John Williams es uno de los grandes compositores de la historia del cine y sus mejores bandas sonoras son parte de un imaginario colectivo (sonoro) inolvidable. De eso no hay duda.

  4. John Towner Williams (n.8 februarie, 1932) este un compozitor, dirijor și pianist american. Într-o carieră de aproape șase decenii, Williams a compus unele dintre cele mai cunoscute coloane sonore din istoria filmului, inclusiv seria Star Wars, Jaws, Superman, seria Indiana Jones, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Hook, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Home Alone și primele trei filme din seria ...

  5. Honoring perhaps the greatest movie composer of all time Mr. John Williams. He was making a name for himself even before he began collaborating with Spielberg. His legacy starts in the late 50s with his first composed score for 1958's Daddy-O. Wasn't till 1974 when he finally began working with Spielberg on one of his early projects 1974's The Sugarland Express. Known for composing some of the ...

  6. 25 de ene. de 2024 · John Williams actually wrote several musical numbers for Hook ahead of filming, when director Steven Spielberg was still considering making it a musical film. That idea was ultimately scrapped, but what was left is an exquisite orchestral score full of Peter Pan’s youthful optimism and heroics, the perils of Captain Hook and his treacherous left hand, and all the wonders of Neverland.

  7. 8 de feb. de 2022 · John Williams transformó la epopeya de esta guerra en una ópera espacial, que ahora es tocada regularmente en vivo ante el público en la Filarmónica de Viena o de Berlín.

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