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  1. 8 de nov. de 2015 · Hans Günther von Kluge Part II. Generalfeldmarschall Günther von Kluge (with Interimstab), Generaloberst Heinrich von Vietinghoff and Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici. On 3 September 1943, he and von Manstein had had an unpublicized meeting, at their request, with Hitler at Rastenberg. It was a final attempt at a showdown by two of the four ...

  2. Poľný maršal Günther von Kluge počas inšpekcie Vichystického 638. pluku, operácia Barbarossa, november 1941. Jednotky pod jeho velením sa podieľali na útoku na Sovietsky zväz. 29. júna 1941 podpísal von Kluge rozkaz, podľa ktorého mali byť zajaté príslušníčky Červenej armády na mieste zastrelené.

  3. Kluge, Field Marshal Günther (Hans) von (1882–1944) in The Oxford Companion to World War II Length: 596 words. (1882–1944),German Army officer who served as a staff officer during part of the First World War, was severely wounded at Verdun in 1918, commanded the Fourth Army from 1939 ...

  4. 24 de may. de 2024 · WikiTree person ID. Von_Kluge-1. subject named as. Günther Adolf Ferdinand Hans, Der Kluge Hans von Kluge (30 Oct 1882 - 17 Aug 1944) 0 references.

  5. 19 de abr. de 2017 · Günther von Kluge. Hans Günther von Kluge was born October 30, 1882 in Posen in western Prussia (today Poznan, Poland), the son of a Prussian lieutenant-general. On graduating from the Kriegsakademie, Von Kluge served as Leutnant on the general staff in Berlin from 1913 onwards. During World War One Günther von Kluge served as staff officer.

  6. Hitler sensed treason and alleged capitulation talks with the allies (15 Aug 1944) Führer-Reserve OKH (16 Aug 1944-19 Aug 1944) In the morning Generalfeldmarschall Model appeared in Paris as the new Commander-in-Chief and had with him Hitlers relief of command letter for von Kluge. Model arrived at von Kluge at La Roche-Guyon close to 20:00 ...

  7. Čtěte Wikipedii o tématu Günther von Kluge: Generalfeldmarschal Günther Adolf Ferdinand von Kluge (30. října 1882, Posen – 19. srpna 1944, Méty; známý rovněž jako Hans Günther von Kluge) byl německý velicí důstojník (od roku 1940 polní maršál) a během 2. světové války vrchní velitel 4. armády.