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  1. δεδομένα. Ο Μαρσίλιο Φιτσίνο ( Marsilio Ficino, σε λατινική απόδοση Marsilius Ficinus, 19 Οκτωβρίου 1433 – 1 Οκτωβρίου 1499) ήταν ένας από τους ουμανιστές (ανθρωπιστές) φιλοσόφους που άσκησαν τη μεγαλύτερη ...

  2. Marsilio Ficino, Introduzione alle Enneadi , 1492) La sua Accademia fiorentina , un tentativo di far rivivere l' Accademia di Platone , ebbe notevoli ripercussioni sullo sviluppo della cultura europea dell'epoca . Indice 1 La vita e le opere 1.1 L'Accademia e la «pia filosofia» 1.2 Teologia platonica e altri lavori 2 La dottrina 3 L'eredità 4 Opere 4.1 Traduzioni italiane 4.2 Commenti a ...

  3. Marsilio Ficino, známy aj pod svojim latinským menom Marsilius Ficinus (* 19. október 1433, Figline Valdarno – † 1. október 1499, Careggi) bol taliansky filozof, jeden z najvplyvnejších humanistických filozofov skorej talianskej renesancie.. Usiloval sa vypracovať nový filozofický obraz sveta, ktorý by prekonal kresťanské náboženstvo a kultúru nanovo zakotvil v helenizme.

  4. Marsilio Ficino, (born Oct. 19, 1433, Figline, Republic of Florence—died Oct. 1, 1499, Careggi, near Florence), Italian philosopher, theologian, and linguist.His translations and commentaries on the writings of Plato and other Classical Greek authors marked the beginning of the Florentine Platonist Renaissance. In conceiving the universe as a hierarchy of substances that descends from God to ...

  5. Marsilio Ficino:Nacido cerca de Florencia en 1433, se formó en Medicina y Filosofía y fue ordenado sacerdote en 1473, llegando a ser canónigo de la catedral de Florencia. Bajo la influencia del Humanismo , el platonismo y el aristotelismo, conocidos y estudiados durante la Edad Media, fueron sensiblemente modificados.

  6. Abstract. The melancholy, like a temperament which is linked with sadness or sorrow, has produced in the history of philosophy many questions that converge on the same problem: Is in the melancholic subject where creative ability gets at his maximum expression? This paper explores the answer that Marsilio Ficino formulated in De vita triplici.

  7. Ficino was not a master of either Greek or Latin, but in addition to his Plato, by which he is chiefly remembered, and his translations of a number of Neoplatonists, chiefly Alcinous, Porphyry, and Iamblichus, but he also translated several important translations of Greek literature, including Apollonius Rhodius’s Argonautica, the Homeric Hymns, and the Theogony.

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