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  1. Malwina, czyli domyślność serca – powieść Marii Wirtemberskiej ukończona w 1812, wydana w 1816 w Warszawie . Utwór uznawany jest za pierwszą w literaturze polskiej powieść ukazującą życie wewnętrzne bohaterki. Obok psychicznych i emocjonalnych doznań bohaterki przedstawia również obyczajowość i relacje międzyludzkie ...

  2. If Maria Wirtemberska’s Malvina, or the Heart’s Intuition (Polish title: Mal-wina, czyli domyślność serca, 1816) can be demonstrated to display certain affini-

  3. Published in 1816, “Malvina, or the Heart’s Intuition” by Maria Wirtemberska appeared but five years after the publication of Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility” (1811). My paper stipulates that Wirtemberska’s “Malvina” was to a large extent inspired by Austen’s novel although no straightforward evidence exists to suggest that the Polish writer was familiar with the works ...

  4. 4 de nov. de 2022 · The article also contains reflections on the Polish translations of The Works of Ossian (written until 1815), which Maria Wirtemberska might have come across after her return to Poland.

  5. › María_WirtemberskaMaría Wirtemberska

    29 de jun. de 2024 · María Ana Czartoryska (Varsovia, 15 de marzo de 1768-París, 21 de octubre de 1854), también conocida como María Wirtemberska o duquesa Luis de Wurtemberg, fue una noble polaca, escritora, música y filántropa.

  6. 15 de may. de 2012 · Malvina by Maria Wirtemberska is a 19th century novel about a young noble woman in Polish lands and how she finds, loses, and gains love. This is a romantic novel, in the style of 19th century literature, and so it moves slowly and includes much internal dialog and giving of information to the reader through the vehicle of letters written to other characters.

  7. Maria Wirtemberska, Malvina, or the Heart's Intuition. Translation, introduction, and notes by Ursula Phillips. London: Polish Cultural Foundation, 2001. Pp. xxxvi + 201. It is sometimes argued now that the history of Polish literature is already a known quantity, and that what is needed is an intensive investigation of individual writers.