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  1. Direção, elenco e personagens de Pulp Fiction. Quando a produção foi lançada, Quentin Tarantino ainda não era tão aclamado, tendo produzido na época apenas um longa-metragem, Cães de Aluguel (1992). Assim, é com Pulp Fiction que o cineasta foi reconhecido como um grande talento da cultura pop, demonstrando toda sua habilidade em mesclar referências e aproximar-se do público jovem.

  2. Pulp – miękka, wilgotna, bezkształtna masa lub materia; czasopismo lub książka zawierające brukowe treści, drukowane na charakterystycznym surowym, tanim papierze.Quentin Tarantino otwiera swój film etymologią i znaczeniem pierwszego słowa ze sławetnego już w świecie tytułu "Pulp Fiction".

  3. 14 de mar. de 2023 · Quentin Tarantino is back for the last time.. The filmmaker behind some of the most indelible movies of the past three decades, Pulp Fiction and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood among them, is ...

  4. 8 de dic. de 2020 · [Jules, Vincent and Jimmie are drinking coffee in Jimmie's kitchen] Jules : Mmmm! Goddamn, Jimmie! This is some serious gourmet shit! Usually, me and Vince w...

  5. 100/100. Fucking perfect from beginning to end. Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction is more than just a film, but a bona-fide landmark in cinematic history. The delirious, introspective, funny, and captivating set of characters are unhinged from any sense of convention, moving through the landscape of Tarantino's sunny little universe with wicked brutality and gorgeous fluidity.

  6. 14 de may. de 2014 · Pulp Fiction at 20: How a phenomenon was born. Quentin Tarantino’s homage to disreputable genres stormed Cannes 20 years ago. Tom Brook shows how the film became a sensation. In May 1994 Nelson ...

  7. Pulp Fiction är en amerikansk gangsterfilm från 1994, regisserad och skriven av Quentin Tarantino.Pulp Fiction var Tarantinos andra långfilm efter debuten De hänsynslösa.Filmen hade Sverige premiär den 25 november 1994 på biografen Park i Stockholm.. Namnet kommer av öknamnet på den populärlitteratur som under 1930–1950-talen i USA oftast trycktes på papper av sämre kvalitet, så ...

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