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  1. Basic 3D modeling with Paint 3D. Windows 10. With the new tools in Paint 3D, you can easily create in three dimensions. In Paint 3D, select 3D View from the top menu. Then, select a 3D object from the right menu, and click or tap and drag in the workspace to create your shape. More about 3D in Windows 10. Open Paint 3D. In addition to the 2D ...

  2. 21 de may. de 2018 · Paint 3D is a built-in creative application that comes free with Windows 10*. It is designed to be simple yet powerful by allowing you to create professional or fun creative projects by easily combining 2D and 3D tools. The best part is that you don’t need any design experience – Paint 3D can be used by anyone.

  3. Paint is great for simple image cropping, resizing, drawing, and adding basic shapes and text to images. It offers a straightforward interface with a range of AI-powered tools 1 and features for anyone who needs to perform basic graphic editing tasks. Its simplicity and ease of use make Paint a valuable tool for quick and easy image editing.

  4. Of je nu een kunstenaar bent of gewoon wat wil schetsen, met Paint 3D komt je creativiteit vrij en komen je ideeën tot leven. Classic Paint is in een nieuw jasje gestoken met een moderner uiterlijk en talloze nieuwe kwasten en hulpmiddelen. Je kunt nu afbeeldingen maken in elke dimensie: 2D-meesterwerken of 3D-modellen die je vanuit alle hoeken kunt bewerken.

  5. Whether you’re an artist or just want to try out some doodles, Paint 3D makes it easy to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life. Classic Paint has been reimagined, with an updated look and feel and lots of new brushes and tools. And now, create in every dimension. Make 2D masterpieces or 3D models that you can play with from all angles.

  6. İster sanatçı olun, ister yalnızca karalamalar yapmak istiyor olun, Paint 3D, yaratıcılığınızı ortaya çıkarmanıza ve fikirlerinizi hayata dönüştürmenize yardımcı olur. Klasik Paint, güncellenmiş bir görünüm, bir sürü yeni fırça ve araç dokusu ile yeniden tasarlandı. Artık her boyutta bir şeyler yaratabilirsiniz. 2B sanat eserleri veya her açısından ...

  7. Ob Sie nun Künstler sind oder nur ein bisschen skizzieren möchten – mit Paint 3D können Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen und Ihre Ideen zum Leben erwecken. Die klassische Paint-Anwendung wurde mit einem aktualisierten Erscheinungsbild und zahlreichen neuen Pinseln und Tools neu gestaltet. Jetzt ist das Erstellen in allen Dimensionen möglich. Erstellen Sie 2D-Meisterwerke oder 3D ...

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