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  1. MALE AND FEMALE CHARACTERS’ CRYING IN JANE AUSTEN’S SENSE AND SPRENDIMAI SENSIBILITY (1811) AND MARIA WIRTEMBERSKA’S MALVINA, OR THE HEART’S INTUITION (1816) 29 But such an untamed upbringing, so much time spent in the lonely wilds, so many hours when I saw nothing at all around me but forsaken wilderness and solitude, made powerful impressions on my young mind and reinforced perhaps ...

  2. Malvina by Maria Wirtemberska is a 19th century novel about a young noble woman in Polish lands and how she finds, loses, and gains love. This is a romantic novel, in the style of 19th century literature, and so it moves slowly and includes much internal dialog and giving of information to the reader through the vehicle of letters written to ...

  3. › María_WirtemberskaMaría Wirtemberska

    29 de jun. de 2024 · María Ana Czartoryska (Varsovia, 15 de marzo de 1768-París, 21 de octubre de 1854), también conocida como María Wirtemberska o duquesa Luis de Wurtemberg, fue una noble polaca, escritora, música y filántropa.

  4. 15 de may. de 2012 · Malvina by Maria Wirtemberska is a 19th century novel about a young noble woman in Polish lands and how she finds, loses, and gains love. This is a romantic novel, in the style of 19th century literature, and so it moves slowly and includes much internal dialog and giving of information to the reader through the vehicle of letters written to other characters.

  5. A striking reduction of the visual: the imaginative and the familial gaze in Maria Wirtemberska’s "Niektóre zdarzenia, myśli i uczucia doznane za granicą" [Certain events, thoughts and feelings experienced abroad] (1816–1818) Magdalena Ozarska. 2018, Studies in Travel Writing.

  6. First published in Warsaw in 1816, Malvina, or the Heart's Intuition has been largely--and unjustly--ignored by the Polish literary canon. Ingeniously structured and vividly related by a Tristram Shandy-esque narrator, Maria Wirtemberska's psychologically complex work is often considered Poland's first modern novel. This splendid translation by Ursula Phillips should restore Wirtemberska to ...

  7. 25 de oct. de 2016 · Malvina, or the Heart's Intuition is a novel by Maria Anna Princess Czartoryska, Duchess von Württemberg-Montbéliard (traditionally referred to as Maria Wirtemberska), written in 1812–1813, first published in 1816. Until now, Wirtemberska's Malvina has been studied for its Sternean sentimentality, Ossianic inspirations, Gypsy characters and technicalities of the early novel.