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  1. Paris 1913, Coco Chanel est toute dévouée à son travail et vit une grande histoire d’amour avec le fortuné Boy Capel. Au Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Igor Stravinsky présente Le Sacre du Printemps. Coco est subjuguée. Mais l’oeuvre est jugée anticonformiste et conspuée par une salle au bord de l’émeut

  2. Присоединяйтесь — мы покажем вам много интересного. Coco Chanel And Igor Stravinsky (2009) 720p💎.

  3. Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky é um filme nipo-helvético-francês de 2009, dirigido por Jan Kounen.. Coco Chanel, devotada a seu trabalho e apaixonada pelo charmoso e bem sucedido Arthur Boy Capel, comparece ao Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, onde Igor Stravinsky mostra pela primeira vez o seu terceiro bailado "A Sagração da Primavera".Ela se encanta pela música, mas o público vaia a obra ...

  4. 1913 - Igor Stravinsky Tavaszi áldozatának premierje a Théatres Des Champs- Elysées színpadán. Coco Chanel megbabonázva ül a nézőtéren. A forradalmi mű azonban túl modernnek, túl radikálisnak bizonyul; a felbőszült közönség zúgolódik és kis híján forrongásba tör ki. Stravinsky vigasztalhatatlan. Hét évvel később, a már elismert, sikeres és gazdag Coco Chanel ...

  5. 12 de oct. de 2010 · Did couturier Coco Chanel and composer Igor Stravinsky have an affair in 1920, as was widely rumored? Coco & Igor, adapted from the novel of the same title, explores what might have happened, and ...

  6. Paris 1913. At the Theatre Des Champs-Elysées, Igor Stravinsky premieres "The Rite Of Spring". Coco Chanel is mesmerized...But the revolutionary work is too modern: the enraged audience boos. A near riot ensues. Seven years later, Coco Chanel meets Stravinsky again - a penniless refugee living in exile after the Russian Revolution. The attraction between them is immediate and electric.

  7. Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky is a film directed by Jan Kounen with Mads Mikkelsen, Anna Mouglalis, Elena Morozova, Natacha Lindinger, Grigori Manoukov. Year: 2009. Original title: Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky. Synopsis: Paris 1913. Coco Chanel is infatuated with the rich and handsome Boy Capel, but she is also compelled by her work.