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  1. Nearing retirement age, having alienated most of his superiors, Highway asks to end his career where it began and is transferred to perform gunnery sergeant duties in his old outfit. There, the small reconnaissance platoon he is to train proves to be a group of lazy malcontents who feel that they've been duped by the slick military advertising ...

  2. Der Name Heartbreak Ridge für den umkämpften Bergkamm entstammt einem Satz aus einem Reporterinterview mit Colonel James Y. Adams, in dem dieser die schweren Verluste an eigenen Truppen beklagte mit den Worten „such a heartbreak for me“.. Der Spielfilm Heartbreak Ridge von und mit Clint Eastwood lieh sich den Namen und Hintergrund der Schlacht von Heartbreak Ridge.

  3. Academy Award winner Clint Eastwood stars as Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway, a Marine who has always found peace more difficult than war. Nearing the end of his highly decorated career, Highway faces the wreckage of his own personal life when he returns to the base where he began his service to pass his experience to new Marines--experience that proves life-saving when his ragtag platoon is ...

  4. 21 de feb. de 2014 · Watch Clint Eastwood as a tough Marine sergeant in this 1986 war drama. Heartbreak Ridge is a classic film with action, humor and romance.

  5. La batalla de Heartbreak Ridge fue una de varios compromisos importantes en las colinas de Corea del Norte a unos pocos kilómetros al norte del paralelo 38 (el límite anterior a la guerra entre Norte y Corea del Sur ), cerca de Chorwon. Para los chinos, esta batalla se confunde a menudo con la Batalla de Triangle Hill, que se libró un año ...

  6. Heartbreak Ridge - Apple TV. Academy Award winner Clint Eastwood stars as Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway, a Marine who has always found peace more difficult than war. Nearing the end of his highly decorated career, Highway faces the wreckage of his own personal life when he returns to the base where he began his service to pass his experience to ...

  7. Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway is een veteraan van de Koreaanse Oorlog (met onder meer de bloedige Slag om Heartbreak Ridge) en van de Vietnamoorlog. Hij is een stoere ijzervreter van het zuiverste kaliber die zijn hele carrière bij de mariniers heeft doorgebracht en hij is briljant in zijn vak. Meermaals is hem de hoogste militaire ...

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