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  1. Deconstructing Harry is laugh-out-loud funny, tracing the steps of Harry Block, a neurotic, foul-mouthed, Jewish, self-hating, pill-popping, womanizing alcoholic (three wives and six therapists later) that oddly enough, resembles Woody Allen and his own life (give or take a few things).

  2. By JANET MASLIN. rivate life caught up with Woody Allen several years ago and now, with rancorous brilliance, he returns the favor. "Deconstructing Harry," his angriest film since "Stardust Memories" and also his most viciously funny, lets Allen expand on a thought raised less directly in "Bullets Over Broadway": that the person ruled by creative imagination may be indifferent, not to say ...

  3. Harry außer sich ist ruppig, komplex, zerfleischend und selbstenthüllend. Aber er ist auch sehr witzig, die meiste Zeit jedenfalls. Woody Allens Neuester, der auf den Internationalen Filmfestspielen von Venedig gezeigt wurde, ist einer seiner provokantesten und anspruchsvollsten Filme.

  4. Deconstructing Harry (bra: Desconstruindo Harry [1]; prt: As Faces de Harry [2]) é um filme estadunidense de 1997, uma comédia escrita e dirigida por Woody Allen. Prêmios e indicações. Prêmio Categoria Recipiente Resultado Oscar 1998: Melhor roteiro original: Woody Allen ...

  5. Deconstruction Harry is a 1997 American comedy movie directed by Woody Allen (who also stars) and starring Judy Davis, Richard Benjamin, Billy Crystal, Kirstie Alley, Elisabeth Shue, Jennifer Garner, Stanley Tucci, Tobey Maguire, Robin Williams, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Demi Moore, Amy Irving.It was distributed by Fine Line Features and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1998.

  6. 12 de dic. de 1997 · Deconstructing Harry is another one of those pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-intellectual comedy-dramas by Woody Allen that is highly semi-autobiographical. Except, this one actually just comes out and admits this fact. Focused on writer Harry Block (Allen), a philandering, ...

  7. 23 de may. de 2021 · Deconstructing Harry (1997) Esta confusión está absorbida por el montaje, a cargo de la socia insigne de Allen, Susan E. Morse.Hay tomas repetitivas, cortes desprolijos, fallos en la continuidad ...