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  1. William Butler Yeats (1920) Po irlandzkiej wojnie domowej (1922–1923) i po stworzeniu Wolnego Państwa Irlandii, Yeats został delegatem Sinn Féin na Kongresie Narodu Irlandzkiego w Paryżu. W 1923 roku został wybrany na senatora w irlandzkim parlamencie. Działalność jego koncentrowała się głównie na zagadnieniach kulturalnych.

  2. 12 de jun. de 2015 · Yeats confronted human tragedy head-on but it’s not just his subjects that have proven eternal but his form. “ [He] has always been my favourite poet,” says Dublin-born poet Eavan Boland ...

  3. Ο Ουίλλιαμ Μπάτλερ Γέιτς (αγγλ. William Butler Yeats) (13 Ιουνίου 1865, Δουβλίνο - 28 Ιανουαρίου 1939, Γαλλία), γιος του Ιρλανδού ζωγράφου Τζον Μπάτλερ Γέιτς, θεωρείται ένας από τους κορυφαίους αγγλόφωνους ποιητές του 20ού αιώνα.

  4. William Butler Yeats The Nobel Prize in Literature 1923 . Born: 13 June 1865, Dublin, Ireland . Died: 28 January 1939, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France . Residence at the time of the award: Ireland . Prize motivation: “for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation”

  5. And all complexities of mire or blood. An agony of flame that cannot singe a sleeve. Spirit after spirit! The smithies break the flood, The golden smithies of the Emperor! That dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea. W. B. Yeats, “Byzantium” from The Poems of W. B. Yeats: A New Edition, edited by Richard J. Finneran.

  6. William Butler Yeats ([jeɪts]; 13. juni 1865 i Sandymount ved Dublin – 28. januar 1939 i Menton, Frankrig) var en irsk forfatter, som deltog i den irske frihedsbevægelse. Han anses for at være en af de mest betydningsfulde engelsksprogede forfattere i det 20 århundrede.

  7. William Butler Yeats, widely considered one of the greatest poets of the English language, received the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature. His work was greatly influenced by the heritage and politics of Ireland. Among other things, "The Second Coming" takes its imagery from Yeats's book, A Vision, a ...

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