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  1. Wystan Hugh Auden (21 February 1907 – 29 September 1973) was a Anglo-American poet. He was born in York and moved to Harborne, Birmingham in 1908, then to New York City in 1939. He wrote several famous poems such as Funeral Blues, and As I Walked Out One Evening.

  2. W. H. Auden Wystan Hugh Auden Poeta, dramaturgo y crítico literario estadounidense Nació el 21 de febrero de 1907 en York. Hijo de un médico. En el año 1925 entra en el Christ Church College de Oxford, convirtiéndose en el líder de un grupo de intelectuales entre los que figuraban Stephen Spender, Christopher Isherwood, Cecil Day Lewis y Louis MacNeice.

  3. Wystan Hugh Auden, podepisovaný jako W. H. Auden (21. února 1907 – 29. září 1973, ˈwɪstən ˈhjuː ˈɔːdən), byl anglo-americký básník.Hlavními tématy jeho poezie byla láska, různá sociální, politická a kulturní témata, ale i témata náboženství a lidské identity.. Auden vyrostl v Birminghamu a vystudoval anglickou literaturu na Oxfordské univerzitě.

  4. 18 de feb. de 2015 · Foi considerado um dos maiores escritores do século XX. Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) nasceu na cidade de York, na Inglaterra, no dia 21 de fevereiro de 1907. Filho de médico demonstrou interesse pelas ciências, mas logo revelou entusiasmo pela poesia. Estudou na Escola Greshan e em 1925 entrou na Christ Church College, na Universidade de ...

  5. Wystan Hugh Auden, known more commonly as W. H. Auden, (February 21, 1907 – September 29, 1973) was an English poet and one of the most influential poets of the twentieth century. Younger than William Butler Yeats and T.S. Eliot, the two titans who had dominated English turn-of-the-century verse, Auden assimilated the techniques of these and the other modernists, becoming a master of poetry ...

  6. W. H. Auden was admired for his unsurpassed technical virtuosity and ability to write poems in nearly every imaginable verse form; his incorporation of popular culture, current events, and vernacular speech in his work; and also for the vast range of his intellect, which drew easily from an extraordinary variety of literatures, art forms, social and political theories, and scientific and ...

  7. Wystan Hugh Auden, born in 1907 in York, England, distinguished himself with a prolific career, producing about 400 poems and essays each. His verse, blending contemporary events with everyday language, drew inspiration from poets like Emily Dickinson, contrasting with his aversion to Romanticism.. Auden’s notable works include ‘Poems’ (1928) and ‘The Orators’ (1932), with his ‘The ...