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  1. Winfield Scott Schley. (Frederick Country, 1839 - Nueva York, 1911) Marino de guerra estadounidense. Estuvo al mando de la flota que derrotó a la escuadra española en Santiago de Cuba durante la guerra de 1898, aunque la victoria fue atribuida oficialmente al almirante Sampson. Ingresó con diecisiete años en la Academia Naval de Annapolis ...

  2. One of these ships, the Winfield Scott, still lies beneath the clear waters of Channel Islands National Park. The large steamship sank off the shores of Anacapa Island in 1853. The Winfield Scott was owned by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Loaded with over 300 passengers and crew, bags of mail, and $1 million in gold, the steamship ...

  3. Winfield Scott Hancock (Montgomeryville, 14 de febrero de 1824 - Governors Island, 9 de febrero de 1886) fue un militar estadounidense y candidato presidencial demócrata en 1880. Biografía. Hancock graduó en West Point en 1844. Desde entonces sirvió con honores en el Ejército. ...

  4. Scott, Winfield (1786-1866). Militar y político estadounidense, nacido el 13 de junio de 1786 en Petersburgo (Virginia) y muerto el 29 de mayo de 1866 en West Point (Nueva York), que alcanzó el rango de general en jefe del Ejército estadounidense gracias a su decisiva participación en tres guerras y, en el año 1852, el grado de teniente ...

  5. Winfield Scott. As general and chief as the Civil War began he developed the Anaconda Plan to defeat the South. Due to his age and some wrangling with McClellan he retired in 1861 and was replaced by McClellan. Winfield Scott's greatest days were before the Civil War. He predated West Point, and entered the artillery in 1808 direct from civil ...

  6. But neither Scott's appearance nor his military victories would be enough to win him the presidency. Born in Petersburg, Virginia, on June 13, 1786, Winfield Scott briefly studied law before joining the military. He first saw action in the War of 1812. Captured by the British during fighting along the Niagara frontier, Scott was later released.

  7. 1 de may. de 2013 · The Making of General Winfield Scott. From the very beginning of his military life Scott was, in the words of one historian, ‘too prickly to love, too talented to ignore.’. Early on Sept. 13, 1847, on a rise facing Mexico City’s Chapultepec Castle, 30 men stood precariously on carts, their hands and ankles bound.

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