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  1. 15 de dic. de 2010 · Lynch also collected memory maps, a sort of mental map that is drawn some time after a place is experienced. These were drawn following biking and walking tours. He did this with his students ( here is an interesting example that synthesizes many student maps) and research associates ( here is an example showing what could be mapped 12 hours after a walking tour).

  2. soaked in memories and meanings” (Lynch , 1960 : 1). He divides environmental elements into moving elements( such as peoples , their activities) and stationary physical parts. Way -finding in his theory is related to two things: physical elements and a map drawn in peoples mind, this map is what Lynch named mental map or cognitive map. ۲

  3. The origins of legible City Wayfinding Cities made ’legible’ through City Wayfinding – thanks to Kevin Lynch in the 1960s. Imageability: that quality in a physical object which gives it a high probability of evoking a strong image in any given observer.It is that shape, color, or arrangement which facilitates the making of vividly identified, powerfully structured, highly useful mental ...

  4. LA IMAGEN DE LA CIUDAD Kevin Lynch. Editorial Infinito. Buenos Aires. 1959 (resumen) LA IMAGEN DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE Nada se experimenta en sí mismo sino siempre en relación con sus contornos, con las secuencias de acontecimientos que llevan a ello y con el recuerdo de experiencias anteriores. Así establecemos vínculos con partes de la ciudad ...

  5. Kevin Lynch, born in 1918, was a significant contributor to city planning and city design in the twentieth century. Kevin Andrew Lynch was educated at Yale University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and most notably, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At MIT, he went on to gain Professorship in 1963, and eventually earned professor ...

  6. 14 de mar. de 2008 · Kevin Lynch é um dos grandes autores do Urbanismo, responsável por uma das obras mais famosas e mais influentes: A Imagem da Cidade.Nela, ele destaca a maneira como percebemos a cidade e as suas partes constituintes, baseado em um extenso estudo em três cidades norte-americanas, no qual pessoas eram questionadas sobre sua percepção da cidade, como estruturavam a imagem que tinham dela e ...

  7. Kevin Lynch's cognitive map. Source: Lynch (1960) Legibility Analysis . 2-LEGIBILITY MAPS IN THE ANALYSIS STAGE . The aim behind creating a mental map is not presenting the map itself, but creating a legible urban space: familiar and distinct. Legible space or, as Lynch calls, ''Imageable'' space can