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  1. As tag questions, também chamadas de question tags, são perguntas curtas utilizadas no fim de uma frase para solicitar a confirmação de uma informação dita na frase anterior. A frase anterior à vírgula costuma expressar uma ideia incerta e a frase posterior à vírgula (a tag question ), tem a função de obter a confirmação dessa ...

  2. Question tags: Learn what question tags are, its definition and usage in this article. Also, go through 20+ question tag examples and try out the practice questions to understand better.

  3. Introduction. Question tags, also tail questions, transform regular declarative clauses into questions. We use them to invite a response or confirmation from the person we are speaking to. Question tags are formed by adding an auxiliary verb and repeating the subject of the main clause as a pronoun.It’s important to know which auxiliary verb to use and whether the tag should be positive or ...

  4. Question tags en inglés: Qué son, usos y ejemplos. Seguro que alguna vez has oído hablar de las question tags ¿no? Pues acabas de leer un ejemplo en español: las question tags son las preguntas cortas que utilizamos para que nuestro interlocutor nos confirme una afirmación. A lo mejor no te has dado cuenta, pero tanto en inglés como en ...

  5. Same-way tag questions. Although the basic structure of tag questions is positive-negative or negative-positive, it is sometimes possible to use a positive-positive or negative-negative structure. We use same-way tag questions to express interest, surprise, anger etc, and not to make real questions. Look at these positive-positive tag questions:

  6. Les question tags sont de très courtes questions (auxiliaire + sujet) que l’on ajoute à la fin d’une phrase pour demander confirmation de ce qui a été dit. Ce chapitre te fournira des explications sur l’auxiliaire à utiliser dans les question tags et sur l’emploi des formes affirmative et négative.

  7. Question tags sind kurze Frageanhängsel am Ende eines Satzes. Du verwendest sie, um eine Bestätigung oder eine Zustimmung zu bekommen. Question tags auf Deutsch kannst du mit Ausdrücken wie „stimmt’s?“, „oder (nicht)?“ oder „nicht wahr?“ übersetzen.. Question tags – Beispiele:. You have got a DVD player, haven’t you? → Du hast einen DVD Player, oder nicht?

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