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  1. At this very moment of glory, two buckets of pigs’ blood, perched high in the ceiling by the boyfriend of one of the harassers, are emptied on the two. Carrie, yet again, sits there soaked in blood. The audience erupts in laughter at the sight. Carrie leaves the hall but returns to the site of her final humiliation.

  2. L'adolescence, du fait de remaniements identificatoires, de l'appel au changement d'investissement libidinal de l'objet et des transformations pubertaires, porte en elle-même des potentialités de désorganisation et ne cesse d'éprouver les liaisons libidinales susceptibles de contenir les mouvements destructeurs.

  3. Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that educates and inspires through interpretation—increasingly paired with practical action—that helps conserve the environment and sustain the well-being of local people. Ecotourism is the fastest-growing segment of the travel and tourism industry, and its economic value is projected to ...

  4. › 2024 › 07Compromís

    Seguint en la línia d’aquests dies, de desconnectar de tot el que està passant al món i a casa nostra especialment, avui volia parlar de com...