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  1. Hace 4 horas · A stock character, popular in 16th-century Spanish literature, who is comically and shockingly vulgar. Clarín, the clown in Pedro Calderón de la Barca 's Life is a dream, is a gracioso. Examples of similar characters in Anglophone culture include Bubbles, Wheeler Walker, Jr. and the stand-up persona of Bob Saget.

  2. Hace 1 día · THE CURMUDGEON. Saturday 6 July 2024. HEY! JUST BE CAREFUL OUT THERE Something happened today to me today(why do these things happen to me?) that I feel compelled to tell you about to warn you. It could well be that a new post series: THINGS YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL OF will be necessary and, of course, forthcoming.

  3. Hace 4 horas · In this Sunday's reading from we hear about Jesus teaching in his home town, and then sending out the twelve to heal unclean spirits. He left that place and came to his home town, and his disciples followed him.

  4. Hace 4 horas · N onis Iúlii Luna tricésima Anno Dómini 2024. O n the morrow we keep the feast of the translation of the holy martyr Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. [On the which 7th day of July, in the year of our Lord 1223, his body was raised from its grave in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral and placed in a shrine.]

  5. Hace 4 horas · I spent way more time outside today than I usually do, getting yard work done, and I hate yard work, and I think the leftover chicken I had for dinner might have been a little past due, and I can't stop sweating and my stomach hurts and this is why I don't go outside, God…

  6. Hace 1 día · So austin is due to get some rain from Beryl starting over the next couple of hours. No real wind or severe weather is expected. Originally, we were supposed to get two days of rain totaling about 4-6”, but of course that number has now been adjusted to an inch or less and only tonight.

  7. Hace 1 día · Ginger Gibson is a senior Washington editor at NBC News and believes that in these "tumultuous times," people seem to think that journalists have all sorts of "secret knowledge" and know what's ...