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  1. Hace 8 horas · For e.g., the families Canidae, Felidae, Ursidae, etc. come under one order Carnivora. Order or Cohort: This taxonomic category is more specific than the class as it consists of one or more similar families. The class Mammalia consists of around twenty-six orders that include primates, Carnivora, etc.

  2. Hace 8 horas · 三名法用于亚种的命名Claraiaauritaminor(带耳克氏蛤微小亚种)即在属名和种名之后再加上亚种名亚种名用斜体拉丁文或拉丁化文字亚种名字母全部用小写TongJN*古生物的命名(举例)界Animalia动物界门Chordata脊索动物门亚门Vertebrata脊椎动物亚门纲Mammalia哺乳纲目Carnaivora食肉目科Felidae猫科属Panthera豹(属 ...

  3. Hace 8 horas · 中国地质大学 古生物学_709页完整版.ppt,中国地质大学古生物学_709页完整版中国地质大学古生物学_709页完整版36 TongJN * 脊椎动物 爬行纲(Reptilia) 恐龙:是爬行纲双孔亚纲初龙类(初龙形次亚纲)中的一个单系类群,是今鸟类的祖先,包括蜥臀目和鸟臀目。