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  1. Unrecorded Abelam or Boiken artist. Element of ceremonial house. mid-20th century. Not on View

  2. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is one of the most important museums of European and North American art of the twentieth century in Italy. It is located in Peggy Guggenheim’s former home, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, on the Grand Canal in Venice.

  3. Peggy Guggenheim ( Nueva York, 26 de agosto de 1898 - Padua, 23 de diciembre de 1979) fue una coleccionista y mecenas estadounidense de arte. Primeros años. Al nacer (en el seno de una familia de magnates) fue registrada con el nombre de Marguerite Guggenheim.

  4. 21 de dic. de 2023 · Millonaria y coleccionista estadounidense, Peggy Guggenheim apostó por comprar obras de artistas como Kandisnky, Mondrian, Magritte y Pollock bajo el lema "una obra al día", creando así una de las colecciones de arte contemporáneo más importantes del siglo XX.

  5. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is a modern art museum on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy, and is one of the most visited attractions in Venice.

  6. On October 20, 1942, Peggy Guggenheim inaugurated her New York museum-gallery, Art of This Century, designed by Frederick Kiesler, a multifaceted artist, architect, set designer, and sculptor who was best known for his utopian projects, exhibition installations, and the theory of Correalism.

  7. Solomon R. Guggenheim’s niece, Peggy Guggenheim (1898–1979), was a self-described “art addict” who sought to distinguish herself from her business-oriented relatives and make her mark on the world through collecting and traveling in avant-garde circles.