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  1. What would you do if you had to choose between ten years in prison and selling your soul to the Devil? Vera's biggest desire is to become a housewife and have children. Her dreams get interrupted...

  2. Sex, Blood and Fairy Tales. IMDB. 2015, 112 minutes. Adventure. What would you do if you had to choose between ten years in prison and selling your soul to the Devil? Production Company: Royal Blade Productions.

  3. ¿Qué harías si tuvieras que elegir entre diez años de prisión y vender tu alma al Diablo? El mayor deseo de Vera es convertirse en ama de casa y tener hijos. Sus sueños se interrumpen cuando en la noche de compromiso su prometido confiesa su deslealtad. Vera se enfada y... él muere. Por suerte o por desgracia, su hermano trabaja en defensa criminal y le ofrece una forma de "escapar" de ...

  4. What is the attraction of these endlessly gruesome fairy tales for children and of cautionary tales such as Struwwelpeter (see Figs 1,2) that can be equally shocking?

  5. This article presents a transhistoricist analysis of how a range of “transgender” concepts manifest in the early modern literary imagination—instabilities, transformations, ambiguities, or indeterminacies in sex and gender—through the representation of fairies and the supernatural.

  6. Bloody Chambers and Labyrinths of Desire: Sexual Violence in Marina Warner's Fairy Tales and Myths Introduction: Revisionist Myths and Fairy Tales In August 2004 Marina Warner read fifteen of her favorite poems at the Edin-burgh Festival in Scotland. One was a passage from Ovid's Metamorphoses that told the story of the rape of Thetis, the sea ...

  7. Abstract: Fairy tales belong to a genre traditionally saturated with violence. This is certainly the case in Basile's baroque fairy-tale collection Lo cunto de lì cunti (1634 1636), which blends cruelty and humor throughout its fifty tales. In his film adaptation of three of Basile's stories, Italian film director Matteo Garrone emphasizes ...