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  1. Magas (Greek: Mάγας) was a Greek Macedonian nobleman that lived in the 4th century BC. His origin is obscure except that he came from the region of Eordaea. Little is known on his life. Magas married the noblewoman Antigone, the child of Cassander and the niece of the powerful Regent Antipater.

  2. 29 de mar. de 2017 · Magas (Greek: Mάγας) was a Greek Macedonian nobleman that lived in the 4th century BC. Magas was a local nobleman from obscure origins and was from Eordeaea. Little is known on his life. Magas married the noblewoman Antigone, the child of Cassander and the niece of the powerful Regent Antipater.

  3. Magás de Egipto. Magas (griego Mάγας; 241 a. C. - 221 a. C.) era nieto de Magas de Cirene, siendo hijo de Ptolomeo Euergetes (246-221 a. C.) y Berenice. Fue ejecutado por su hermano Ptolomeo Filopátor (221-204 a. C.), poco después del ascenso de este último, por instigación de Sosibius.

  4. Magas (Greek: Mά?γ?αaς?) was a Greek Macedonian nobleman that lived in the 4th century BC. Magas was a local nobleman from obscure origins and was from Eordeaea.[1] Little is known on his life. Magas married the noblewoman Antigone, the child of Cassander and the niece of the powerful Regent Antipater.[2]

  5. She was the daughter of princess Antigone of Macedon, and an obscure local, a Macedonian nobleman called Magas. [2] Her maternal grandfather was a nobleman called Cassander who was the brother of Antipater, the regent for Alexander's empire, [2] and through her mother was a relation to his family.

  6. Macae Macar Macareae Macareus Macaria Macartatus Macednus Macedonia Macedonians Maceris Machaereus Machaerion Machanidas Machaon ... Maenalia Maenalus Maeon Maeonians Maera Maesis Magas Magdolus Magi Magic Magnes Magnesia magnesia ad Maeandrum ...

  7. Magas (Greek: Mάγας) was a Greek Macedonian nobleman that lived in the 4th century BC. His origin is obscure except that he came from region of Eordaea. Little is known on his life. Magas married the noblewoman Antigone, the child of Cassander and the niece of the powerful Regent Antipater.