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  1. From left: Sam Prekop, John McEntire, Archer Prewitt, Doug McCombs (who filled in for Eric Claridge). The Sea and Cake is an American indie rock band with a jazz influence, based in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

  2. Eric Claridge. [ editar datos en Wikidata] The Sea and Cake es una banda estadounidense de indie rock, con influencias del jazz, formada en Chicago a mediados de la década de los 90, a partir de lo que quedó de las bandas locales The Coctails y Shrimp Boat.

  3. Cuatro de los músicos con mayor protagonismo de esta increíble y oxigenante oleada musical, fueron (y siguen siendo) el vocalista y guitarrista Sam Prekop, el teclista y guitarrista Archer Prewitt, el bajista Eric Claridge y el baterista, percusionista, ingeniero de sonido y productor John McEntire.

  4. Eric Claridge Eric Claridge Eric Claridge Eric Claridge. Home; Current Work; About; Contact; More

  5. During the band’s extended absence, they parted ways with longtime bassist Eric Claridge, and while the multitalented McEntire subbed in for him in the studio (with McEntire’s fellow Tortoise...

  6. Written and recorded following the departure of bassist Eric Claridge, Any Day is The Sea And Cake’s first album recorded as the trio of Sam Prekop, Archer Prewitt, and John McEntire.

  7. 10 de may. de 2011 · The artwork, a delicate elephant drawing by bassist Eric Claridge, captures the music's essence: at once light and heavy, sweet and sinister, distant and close. The Sea and Cake's bold explorations are delivered in layers of delicate tones and melodies.