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  1. Ernest Overton, uno de los pioneros en la investigación de las membranas lipídicas, presentó la primera teoría integral de la estructura de las membranas de este tipo. Sus trabajos sentaron las bases para construir los conceptos modernos de la función de la membrana, especialmente importante en el caso de la anestesia.

  2. Overton —un primo lejano de Charles Darwin— fue el primero en proponer el concepto de una membrana plasmática lipídica en 1899. La debilidad más grande de la teoría de la membrana lipídica era que no servía para explicar la alta permeabilidad al agua.

  3. Specifically, it was through the models of Overton, Langmuir, Gorter and Grendel, and Davson and Danielli, that it was deduced that membranes have lipids, proteins, and a bilayer.

  4. Ernest Overton (a distant cousin of Charles Darwin) first proposed the concept of a lipid (oil) plasma membrane in 1899. The major weakness of the lipid membrane was the lack of an explanation of the high permeability to water, so Nathansohn (1904) proposed the mosaic theory.

  5. 12 de mar. de 2015 · Hardly any discourse on anesthetic mechanisms avoids mention of the MeyerOverton rule. Thanks to the eponymous rule, Charles Ernst Overton (1865–1933) enjoys together with Hans Horst Meyer (1853–1939) the highest name recognition where anesthetic mechanisms are concerned (Fig. 1).

  6. Charles David “Charlie” Overton, Sr. passed away in the early morning hours of Thursday, August 6, 2020 at his home near Batesville, MS. The family will hold a private family memorial service on Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. in the Martin Willingham Memorial Chapel of Wells Funeral Home.

  7. 1 de ene. de 1999 · This chapter discusses the Charles Ernest Overton's concept of a cell membrane. Overton presented his views on the osmotic properties of cells and established several milestones in the field: (1) A “lipid-impregnated boundary layer” is a determinant of the osmotic properties of living cells.