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  1. Directed by Stephen Crisman. Co-produced and written by Gaylen Ross. A&E Investigative Reports. The only documentary to tell the full story of the Swiss Banks, Jewish money, and Nazi gold. It has been called the most cynical bank robbery in history, the ultimate inside job.

  2. Holocaust, Hebrew Shoʾah, Yiddish and Hebrew Ḥurban (“Destruction”), the systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi ...

  3. In this 90 minute documentary BLOOD MONEY: SWITZERLAND'S NAZI GOLD reveals Switzerland's Faustian bargain to become Hitler's bankers, financing the Nazi war machine, and ultimately prolonging World War II.

  4. Blood Money: Switzerland's Nazi Gold: Dirigido por Stephen Crisman. Con Mariel Hemingway. Details the support given by Switzerland and Swiss banks to the Nazis during WWII and post war attempts of some of Nazis' victims to recover asserts.

  5. The only documentary to tell the full story of the Swiss Banks, Jewish money, and Nazi gold. It has been called the most cynical bank robbery in history, the ultimate inside job.

  6. Los últimos días de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y cuenta la historia del desertor alemán Heinrich, la joven y valiente granjera Elsa y un puñado de nazis. Cuando Heinrich emprende el viaje del frente a casa para volver con su hija, cae en las garras de unos saqueadores de las SS cuyo líder lo deja colgando de un árbol para que muera ahorcado.

  7. Focuses on the emerging story of Jews, who deposited their family money into Swiss bank accounts during the Holocaust to protect it from the Nazis, only to discover later that the money had disappeared.