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  1. Rudolf Schmundt (Metz, Alsacia-Lorena, Alemania; 13 de agosto de 1896 - Rastenburg, Prusia Oriental; 1 de octubre de 1944) fue un oficial alemán, más recientemente General de Infantería de la Wehrmacht y edecán de ejército de Adolf Hitler durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

  2. Rudolf Schmundt (13 August 1896 – 1 October 1944) was a German officer and adjutant to Adolf Hitler. Between 1942 and 1944, he was chief of the German Army Personnel Office. Schmundt was injured during the 20 July 1944 assassination attempt on Hitler and died a few months later from his wounds.

  3. Rudolf Schmundt war ein deutscher General der Infanterie der Wehrmacht. Mehr als sechs Jahre lang war er in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus von 1938 bis 1944 Chefadjutant der Wehrmacht bei Adolf Hitler und damit einer der engsten Mitarbeiter und Vertrauten des Diktators. Ab 1942 leitete er zudem das Heerespersonalamt und war in dieser Stellung ...

  4. › enciclopedia › rudolf-schmundtRudolf Schmundt _ AcademiaLab

    Rudolf Schmundt (13 de agosto de 1896 - 1 de octubre de 1944) fue un oficial alemán y ayudante de Adolf Hitler. Entre 1942 y 1944 fue jefe de la Oficina de Personal del Ejército Alemán. Schmundt resultó herido durante el intento de asesinato de Hitler el 20 de julio de 1944 y murió unos meses después a causa de sus heridas.

  5. How did Adolf Hitler transform the German army officer corps into a National Socialist elite in 1942? This article examines the conflict between Hitler and the Wehrmacht bureaucracy over the appointment of Rudolf Schmundt as the chief of the army personnel office.

  6. General der Infanterie Rudolf Schmundt died of his wounds substained in the failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler in 1944. Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

  7. In October 1942 Major General Rudolf Schmundt became the new head of the HPA. After his death from injuries received during the assassination attempt on Hitler's life of 20 July 1944 General Wilhelm Burgdorf took over the function.