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  1. Alfred Saalwächter (* 10 de enero de 1883 en Neusalz del Oder; † 6 de diciembre de 1945 en Berlín) fue un marino alemán que alcanzó el empleo de almirante general en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que había sido comandante de U-Boot en la Primera Guerra Mundial.

  2. Alfred Saalwächter (10 January 1883 – 6 December 1945) was a high-ranking German U-boat commander during World War I and General Admiral during World War II.

  3. On 31 March 1915 was Saalwachter flag lieutenant in command of the sea forces on the battleship SMS Friedrich the Great. In February 1916 he was transferred to the U-boat arm. After completion of the submarine school he was from September 1916 to March 1918 as commander of SM U 25, SM U 46 and SM U 94 in use.

  4. Alfred Saalwächter war ein deutscher Generaladmiral im Zweiten Weltkrieg.

  5. Alfred Saalwächter fue un marino alemán que alcanzó el empleo de almirante general en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que había sido comandante de U-Boot en la Primera Guerra Mundial.

  6. Saalwächter was imprisoned by the Soviet Union on 21 June 1945. He was convicted by a Soviet military tribunal of war crimes on 17 October and executed by firing squad in Moscow on 6 December. In 1994, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Saalwächter was formally exonerated by a Russian court.

  7. In August 1940, Marinegruppenkommando West installed its HQ in Paris, with Generaladmiral Alfred Saalwächter at its head, who was replaced on 20 September 1942 by Generaladmiral Wilhelm Marschall, then by Admiral Theodor Krancke in April 1943.