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  1. Ludwig Hassenpflug (1818), by Ludwig Emil Grimm. Hans Daniel Ludwig Friedrich Hassenpflug (26 February 1794 – 15 October 1862), German statesman, was born at Hanau in Hesse.

  2. Hans Daniel Ludwig Friedrich Hassenpflug (* 26. Februar 1794 in Hanau; † 10. Oktober 1862 in Marburg) war ein deutscher Jurist und Politiker im Kurfürstentum Hessen. Ludwig Hassenpflug verband eine antirevolutionär-legitimistische Haltung mit einer stark mystisch-pietistischen Religiosität und einer romantisch-organischen Staats ...

  3. Este último, Ludwig, alcanzaría prestigio como ministro de Justicia e Interior del Electorado de Hesse, el Principado Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen y el Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo (y su hijo Karl sería un afamado escultor), pero la mayoría le conoce hoy por haberse casado en 1822 con Charlotte Grimm, la única hermana de los famosos ...

  4. 13 de dic. de 2022 · Sitting in the parlour at Marktgasse 17, with the future statesman Ludwig Hassenpflug and his three sisters, Marie, Jeanette and Amalie also present, she tells Wilhelm stories to impress him, to awaken and feed desire like a modern Scheherazade, to flirt and tease and seduce.

  5. Hans Daniel Ludwig Friedrich Hassenpflug (26 de febrero de 1794-15 de octubre de 1862), estadista alemán, nació en Hanau en Hesse.

  6. Ludwig Hassenpflug (son-in-law) Dorothea Grimm (née Zimmer ; November 20, 1755 – May 27, 1808) [1] was the mother to the " Brothers Grimm " Jacob and Wilhelm , and seven other children, including Ludwig Emil Grimm and Charlotte Amalie Grimm .

  7. Hans Daniel Hassenpflug was a pro-Austrian Hessian politician whose reactionary, anticonstitutional policies earned him the nickname “Hessenfluch” (“Curse of Hesse”). After studying law, Hassenpflug entered the Hesse-Kassel civil service. In 1832 he was named minister of the interior and of justice.