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  1. David Whitmer (Pensilvania, 7 de enero de 1805-Nueva York, 25 de enero de 1888) fue un religioso estadounidense, uno de los personajes más destacados en los inicios del Movimiento de los Santos de los Últimos Días, también conocido como mormonismo.

  2. David Whitmer (January 7, 1805 – January 25, 1888) was an early leader of the Latter Day Saint Movement and one of the Three Witnesses to the gold plates of the Book of Mormon. Whitmer later distanced himself from Joseph Smith and was excommunicated from the church in 1838, but continued to affirm his testimony of the Book of Mormon.

  3. 1 de feb. de 2021 · El Señor escogió a Tres Testigos que verían las planchas de oro del Libro de Mormón a fin de que “testificar [an] de la verdad del libro y de las cosas que contiene” ( 2 Nefi 27:12 ). Uno de esos testigos era David Whitmer.

  4. 13 de feb. de 2021 · Learn about David Whitmer, one of the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon, who was baptized by Joseph Smith and ordained as a high priest. Find out how he separated from the church and his role in the dissenter movement.

  5. Los Whitmer abandonaron la Iglesia. David se alejó de la comunión de la Iglesia por el resto de su vida. Evitó afiliarse a cualquier secta religiosa hasta 1846-1847, cuando William McLellin lo convenció de unirse a su iglesia reorganizada.

  6. 13 de may. de 2023 · David Whitmer left the following account of his introduction to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon: I first heard of what is now termed Mormonism, in the year 1828. I made a business trip to Palmyra, N. Y., and while there stopped with one Oliver Cowdery.

  7. Learn about David Whitmer, who saw the gold plates with Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris and testified of their truth. Find out why he left the Church and how he affirmed his testimony until the end of his life.