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  1. Frank Xavier Leyendecker (18 de abril de 1876-1924) fue un ilustrador norteamericano de gran talento, hermano menor del conocido Joseph Christian Leyendecker. No logró –sin embargo- tener la repercusión ni el éxito de su hermano.

  2. Frank Xavier Leyendecker (18 de abril de 1876, 1924) fue un ilustrador norteamericano de gran talento, hermano menor del conocido Joseph Christian Leyendecker. No logró –sin embargo- tener la repercusión ni el éxito de su hermano.

  3. Frank Xavier Leyendecker (January 19, 1876 – April 18, 1924), also known as Frank James Leyendecker, was a German-American commercial artist and illustrator. He worked with his brother Joseph Christian Leyendecker first in Chicago, then later in New York City and New Rochelle, New York.

  4. Frank Xavier Leyendecker (January 19, 1876 – April 18, 1924), also known as Frank James Leyendecker, was an American illustrator. He worked with his brother Joseph Christian Leyendecker, in their studio, first in Chicago, then later in New York City and New Rochelle, New York.

  5. Frank Leyendecker created advertisement illustrations for such clients as Luxite Hosiery, Remington Arms, Palmolive Soap, and Willys Motors. He created cover and interior illustrations for Colliers, Leslie's, Life, McClure's, The Saturday Evening Post, Vanity Fair, and Vogue.

  6. Although Frank Xavier Leyendecker (1876-1924) was the younger brother of famed illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, he was no less talented and creative. F.X. Leyendecker painted several cover for Collier’s magazine between 1902 and 1905, making him better known than his brother for a short period of time.

  7. J.C. Leyendecker (1874 – 1951) & F.X. Leyendecker (1876 – 1924) The Leyendecker Brothers were two of the most beloved American illustrators in the first half of the 20th century, creating iconic images for the nation’s most popular magazines and fashion advertisements.