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  1. 10 de jun. de 2018 · An object that is neutrally buoyant in fresh water will float when placed in salt water. In fresh water, the weight of the object is exactly equal to the weight of the water it displaces, and the downward and upward forces on the object are equal.

  2. 8 de mar. de 2023 · The h20 molecules cluster around the salt molecules, and the result is that saltwater has more molecules overall than freshwater. When you’ve added more weight to that cubic foot of water (the salt), you are producing a denser type of water. More density means you will float higher up – but more (but more on that in a bit).

  3. 3 de mar. de 2016 · Displacing a liter of salt water therefore produces a stronger upward buoyant force than displacing a liter of fresh water. That’s why the ball is floating higher on the container of salt water than it does on the container of fresh water. The ball doesn’t need to displace as much salt water to obtain a buoyant force that ...

  4. The answer is just one word-salt. When salt is dissolved in water, as it is in ocean water, that dissolved salt adds to the mass of the water and makes the water denser than it would be without salt. Because objects float better on a dense surface, they float better on salt water than fresh water.

  5. Answer 1: Objects will float better in salt water than in fresh water. Why? It is explained in the following paragraph. The (in)ability of an object to float in any fluid* is called buoyancy. Several answers on ScienceLine already cover this topic, but I will summarize the salient points here.

  6. 10 de abr. de 2014 · You can make your own dense water by adding salt to tap water. In fact, if you add enough salt, you can make the water so dense that an egg will actually float in it!

  7. Freshwater is found in lakes, rivers, and underground aquifers, and is used for drinking, irrigation, and other human activities. Saltwater, on the other hand, is found in oceans and seas, and is home to a wide variety of marine life.