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  1. 18 de ene. de 2012 · The Event Horizon Telescope is a global network of synchronized radio observatories that work in unison to observe radio sources associated with black holes with angular resolution comparable to their event horizons.

  2. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a telescope array consisting of a global network of radio telescopes. The EHT project combines data from several very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) stations around Earth, which form a combined array with an angular resolution sufficient to observe objects the size of a supermassive black hole 's event ...

  3. The Event Horizon Telescope is an international collaboration capturing images of black holes using a virtual Earth-sized telescope. Learn More

  4. Telescopio del Horizonte de Sucesos (también conocido por su sigla en inglés: EHT) es un conjunto de telescopios vinculados telemáticamente que combinan datos procedentes de estaciones de interferometría de muy larga base ( very-long-baseline interferometry, o VLBI) ubicadas en diversas partes de la Tierra para observar el entorno más próximo al...

  5. By linking together existing telescopes using novel systems, the EHT leverages considerable global investment to create a fundamentally new instrument with angular resolving power that is the highest possible from the surface of the Earth.

  6. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration has created a single image (top frame) of the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy, called Sagittarius A* (or Sgr A* for short), by combining images extracted from the EHT observations.

  7. 10 de abr. de 2019 · El nombre de la iniciativa es Telescopio del Horizonte de Sucesos, Event Horizon Telescope o EHT por sus siglas en inglés, una colaboración en la que participan cerca de 200 científicos....

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con event horizon telescope

    telescopio event horizon telescope