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  1. In John Singer Sargent’s Gassed, IWMs Head of Art Rebecca Newell traces the origins of this large and powerful painting in the final months of the First World War and celebrates the vibrancy and visual power of the work, revealed once again during recent conservation.

  2. Gassed is a very large oil painting completed in March 1919 by John Singer Sargent. It depicts the aftermath of a mustard gas attack during the First World War, with a line of wounded soldiers walking towards a dressing station.

  3. Gaseados es una pintura al óleo de gran formato rematada en marzo de 1919 por John Singer Sargent. Describe las consecuencias de un ataque con gas mostaza durante la Primera Guerra Mundial , con una fila de soldados heridos andando hacia un hospital de campaña.

  4. 17 de dic. de 2023 · El día en que John Singer Sargent se cruzó con un grupo de soldados víctimas del gas mostaza, cegados por las vendas que intentaban aliviar el insoportable dolor de sus ojos y...

  5. John Singer Sargent 1918. Imperial War Museums. London, United Kingdom. The scene is the aftermath of a mustard gas attack on the Western Front in August 1918 as witnessed by the artist....

  6. 2 de ago. de 2016 · John Singer Sargent pintó Gaseados en 1919, en donde representa los efectos de las armas químicas que utilizaron los alemanes contra los ingleses en la Batalla de Arrás el 21 de agosto de 1918.

  7. Sargent draws the viewer into the tactile relationships between the blinded men. There is a suggestion of redemption as the men are led off to the medical tents, but the overall impression is of loss and suffering, emphasised by the expressions of the men standing in line.