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  1. Since the early 1800s, when most Protestant and Catholic seminaries established a standard fourfold curriculum in biblical studies, systematic or dogmatic theology, church history, and practical theology, there had been a question as to how the study of mission and evangelism might fit (or not fit) into the curriculum.

  2. Mission and evangelism are closely related; mission is generally the broader term, within which evangelism is included. We will therefore consider mission first, then evangelism. Mission is at the heart of the message of the Bible, though the actual word “mission” occurs sparingly in English Bibles.

  3. 12 de ago. de 2021 · Although the gospel is the focal point of all evangelism, evangelism involves making and maturing disciples through the ministry of the Word of God. Scripture sets out the God-ordained means, method, and end of evangelism and missions.

  4. The World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism reflects the richness of global Christianity in its structure and reminds the ecumenical movement of Jesus’ words “that they may all be one… that the world may believe” (John 17:21). Mission is both part of the church’s essence and the basic task of the church.

  5. Today's shared theology of mission may be associated with trinitarianism, Christology, eschatology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology. This article discusses historical patterns in the practice of mission and evangelism, as well as the Lausanne movement and contemporary evangelical mission theology.

  6. 22 de dic. de 2020 · This article represents the thirty-seventh year of providing annual statistics in the International Bulletin of Mission Research. It summarizes the most significant global and regional figures relevant to understanding the current status of global Christianity and mission.

  7. Mission is God’s mission. Within the WCC, the mission movement is represented by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME). It offers spaces for sharing reflections, experiences, questions, and discoveries on the theology, content, and methods of common Christian witness today.