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  1. Juega a Crash Bandicoot con este emulador de Playstation. Ayuda a Crash, un marsupial mutado, a parar los planes del malvado Doctor Neo Cortex y a rescatar como sea a tu novia Tawna. ¿Quién ha creado Crash Bandicoot?

  2. Play Crash Bandicoot Games online in your browser. Play Emulator has the largest collection of the highest quality Crash Bandicoot Games for various consoles such as GBA, SNES, NES, N64, SEGA, and more. Start playing by choosing a Crash Bandicoot Emulator game from the list below.

  3. Juego Crash Bandicoot. Ayuda a Crash a salvar a su novia Tawna de las manos del malvado Dr. Córtex. Usa las habilidades de Crash para esquivar los obstáculos, destruir las cajas para recoger las manzanas y poderes especiales y pasar así al siguiente nivel de aventura en esta isla perdida.

  4. Play Crash Bandicoot with this Playstation emulator. Help Crash, a mutated marsupial, to stop the plans of the evil Doctor Neo Cortex and rescue your girlfriend Tawna. Who created Crash Bandicoot? Naughty Dog developed this cool platform game for the PlayStation in 1994.

  5. Help Crash Bandicoot save his girlfriend Tawna, held by the mad and evil Doctor Neo Cortex. To do this, you will have to cross the 3 Wumpa Islands until you finally reach Cortex Castle. Jump to dodge obstacles and use your tornado spin to hit enemies and smash crates.

  6. 17 de feb. de 2014 · Únete a Crash Bandicoot, el travieso y enérgico marsupial, en su épica búsqueda para salvar su tierra natal de las garras del malvado Dr. Neo Cortex. Atraviesa niveles vibrantes y desafiantes, cada uno lleno de tesoros ocultos, enemigos astutos y obstáculos emocionantes.

  7. 17 de feb. de 2014 · Join Crash Bandicoot, the mischievous and energetic marsupial, on his epic quest to save his homeland from the clutches of the evil Dr. Neo Cortex. Traverse through vibrant and challenging levels, each filled with hidden treasures, cunning enemies, and exciting obstacles.