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  1. FlightGear server online map

  2. Set up a multiplayer server. This page is dedicated to providing a short overview of installing the FlightGear Multiplayer Server ('fgms'). The reader is assumed to be reasonably familiar with working in a Unix/Linux shell environment.

  3. FlightGear Multiplayer Server. FGMS or FlightGear Multiplayer Server is a standalone network server for FlightGear and licensed under the GPL. It allows flying with other pilots over a network inside FGFS.

  4. As you can't access the configuration of other people's FlightGear, this technique allows you to have complete control over FlightGear's settings. You can add an arbitrary number of channels to mirror your flight onto other servers, e.g. to a private fgms (FlightGear Multiplayer Server) using

  5. FlightGear Multilplayer Server #01 Status Page. FlightGear Multiplayer Server Status. Page generated on 24-07-01 18:13:11 *"Tracked" means the mpserver is tracked by Minimun fgms version required for tracking: v0.10.23. Status Server Address

  6. Every multiplayer server can be used by any reasonably modern version of FlightGear, and different versions of FlightGear can share a multiplayer server. Especially for FlightGear 2017.1.1 or later. There are free alternatives to (almost) every program you encounter.

  7. The FlightGear MultiPlayer Server (fgms) is a standalone network server that powers the FlightGear MP Network. It allows flying with other pilots over a network inside fgfs. Website: Project: