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  1. Monti exhibited at the Royal Academy, and soon earned recognition as a leading sculptor with his piece for the 6th Duke of Devonshire, the "Veiled Vestal", a figure with illusionistic veil, a specialism of his.

  2. We can’t see through stone, but through tricks of light and polish, Raffaelo Monti created the illusion that we can. On his Veiled Lady, the top of the head and shoulders are polished smooth, to reflect light. But where the veil falls across the face, the marble is less polished.

  3. Monumento funerario di Lady Barbara Ashley-Cooper. Esculpida en 1848, de inspiración gótica, presenta a la difunta como una niña dormida protegida por dos ángeles de la guarda, vestida de forma neomedieval. Está ubicada en la iglesia de San Nicolás, en Hatherop. [.

  4. 10 de jun. de 2020 · For the duke, the veiled virgin was one sculpture in a vast collection of white marble that he had been building for 30 years. But for Monti, it was a game-changer. In 1848, a year after sending the duke his prize, Monti joined the revolt against Austria.

  5. The bride faces front and looks downwards. She has a veil over her head which falls down over her face and breast at the front, and over her shoulders at the back. It is held in place by a wreath of orange-blossom flowers tied at centre back with a bow.

  6. Details. Title: The Bride. Creator: Joana Vasconcelos. Creator Lifespan: 1971. Date Created: 2001/2005. Physical Dimensions: 600 x ø 300 cm. Provenance: Work presented at the exhibition "All I...

  7. The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (in French : La mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même), most often called The Large Glass (in French : Le Grand Verre), is an artwork by Marcel Duchamp over 9 feet (2.7 m) tall and almost 6 feet (1.76m) wide.