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  1. Description: SCP-3008 is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. A person entering SCP-3008 through the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to SCP-3008-1.

  2. Descripción: SCP-3008 es una gran unidad de venta al por menor que anteriormente pertenecía a IKEA, una popular cadena de tiendas de muebles. Una persona que entra a SCP-3008 por la entrada principal y a continuación sale del espacio visible desde las puertas será trasladada a SCP-3008-1.

  3. SCP-3008 which looks exactly like a normal IKEA retail store, except it seems impossible to find an exit. Multiple people have been trapped inside for an unknown period of time with an unknown status, whether alive, dead or injured. The area containing SCP-3008 has been bought by the Foundation...

  4. Hace 2 días · Description: SCP-3008-1 is an extradimensional space of potentially infinite volume, resembling an IKEA store and located within a building previously owned and operated by the Swedish furniture retailer.

  5. Fejka-Dracaena - Usually just called Fejka. Its a tribe far east. They are settled within walls covered in artificial plants. Their area seems like a jungle after they transported all the plants from farther north down to their settlement. They often travel around, trad these plants with nearby tribes and settlements.

  6. For the life of me, I can't understand why almost every SCP medium has 3008 in it. Youtube videos/shorts/fan films, fan games, fanfics, etc. What's got everyone's fancy or tickle from 3008?

  7. xxxxxxxe O5 Council. -Dr.