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  1. Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo del rito de madurez aborigen australiano, conocido como Walkabout. Descubre la conexión única entre la tierra y el individuo, mientras exploramos este ancestral ritual que marca la transición a la adultez en la cultura aborigen.

  2. Este antiguo ritual de iniciación aborigen implica exactamente esto: una larga caminata espiritual a través de la tierra indígena. Aunque es ampliamente conocido como “Paseo”, en años posteriores el ritual se ha denominado “movilidad temporal”, porque el primero se utiliza a menudo como un término despectivo en la cultura australiana.

  3. Explore the spiritual journey of an Aboriginal walkabout, a profound rite of passage deeply rooted in Australian culture. Discover how this unique tradition shapes identities and connects to the land.

  4. A contemporary Australian walkabout is an immersive Aboriginal cultural experience for travelers. With an actual Abogorinal as a guide, visitors learn the traditional customs and practices that kept their Aboriginal children alive in the wild.

  5. Walkabout is a traditional practice of the Aboriginal people of Australia, particularly the Aborigines. Its origins can be traced back to the Dreamtime, a concept central to Aboriginal spirituality that describes the creation of the world and the ancestors who continue to shape it.

  6. 23 de jul. de 2015 · Aboriginal Australian cultures have a rite of passage known as the Walkabout. Adolescent males spend up to six months on foot tracing paths established by their ancestors. These journeys can be as long as 1000 miles, and the young men are expected to complete them without a compass.

  7. Traditionally, a “walkabout” is an Australian Aboriginal rite of passage that marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood. It provides a young person with the opportunity to practice and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required of their community’s adults.