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  1. Learn how to use the if, elif, and else keywords to execute blocks conditionally in Python. See syntax, examples, and tips for writing decision control logic.

  2. 14 de feb. de 2012 · Learn how to use if and elif statements in Python to compare multiple conditions and avoid unwanted problems. See code examples, explanations and speed comparisons of both approaches.

  3. 1 de ene. de 2021 · Aprende a usar la estructura if/elif/else para controlar el flujo de un programa en Python. Vea ejemplos de cómo verificar varias condiciones, crear if anidados y usar declaraciones if-else en funciones.

  4. 11 de nov. de 2022 · Learn how to use Python if-else statements with multiple conditions using and and or operators. See examples of how to check if all or some conditions are met and how to write complex if-else statements.

  5. Learn how to use the if, else, and elif clauses to control the flow of your Python programs. See examples of simple and complex decision-making code with indentation and blocks.

  6. 8 de feb. de 2024 · This article explains the basic syntax of Python's if statement ( if ... elif ... else ... ), including how to specify multiple conditions and negated conditions. 8.

  7. 29 de mar. de 2022 · Then we can check multiple conditions by simply adding an else-if statement, which is shortened to elif in Python. Here’s an example using elif to define different temperature categories: >>> temperature = 25. >>> if temperature > 30: ... print('Hot') >>> elif temperature > 20 and temperature <= 30: