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  1. Agony is largely dark purple with dark pink mix symbiote, it grants its host with claws, a blade along the fur end of the forearms, fangs and fairly long prehensile hairs, as well as manipulate its body into various form. Origin and Living Status. Symbiotes, Venom Symbiote hatchling extracted by Life Foundation. Living Status. Alive. Reality.

  2. Agony es un simbionte mayoritariamente púrpura oscuro con mezcla de rosa oscuro, que dota a su huésped de garras, una cuchilla en el extremo de la piel de los antebrazos, colmillos y pelos prensiles bastante largos, además de manipular su cuerpo de diversas formas. Origen y Estado de Vida.

  3. Prime Marvel Universe (Earth-616) Agony was one of the five Life Foundation Symbiotes that were forcefully spawned from the Venom symbiote. Leslie Gesneria was a mercenary hired by the Life Foundation. In order to fulfill her role as a superhuman officer for the corporation's future utopia, she was granted one of the 5 symbiotes forcibly ...

  4. 17 de jul. de 2021 · Agony returns in Carnage, U.S.A. as a bio-weapon - with Agony as her official name - alongside four of her siblings, as Scream is not present in this series. She is partially bonded to Lieutenant James Murphy of the Mercury Team.

  5. In 2013, Agony received an unexpected nod when she, not her Mercury Squad counter-part, was hinted as being in Marvel Avengers Alliance Season 2, VIA the Days of Future Past homage teaser.

  6. The Agony Symbiote (of Earth-616) is a purple Symbiote that was spawned from the Venom Symbiote by the Life Foundation. When it was trapped after his host was killed, it was merged with the other Life Foundation's symbiotes (except Scream), to create a new symbiote called Hybrid, which bonded...

  7. Agony. Leslie Gesneria was a mercenary who worked for a sinister corporation called the "Life Foundation", who was preparing for the M.A.D. nuclear fallout of the Cold War and sought to provide a comfortable underground life for their wealthy clients after the impending nuclear holocaust.