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  1. Woman with Animals, originally referred to as La dame aux bêtes and Portrait de Mme D.V. or Madame Raymond Duchamp-Villon, is a painting created late 1913 and completed during the month of February, 1914, by the French artist, theorist and writer Albert Gleizes.

  2. Learn about this artwork by Albert Gleizes in the Guggenheim's Collection Online.

  3. Albert Léon Gleizes (París, 8 de diciembre de 1881 - Aviñón, 23 de junio de 1953), pintor francés. Era hijo de Sylvain Gleizes, un diseñador industrial, y Elizabeth Valentine Commere; su tío, Léon Comerre, era un exitoso pintor de retratos que obtuvo en 1875 el Premio de Roma.

  4. Obra que fue leída por el grupo Putreaux –artistas y críticos europeos asociados al orfismo, rama del cubismo– y al que pertenecían Jacques Villon y su hermano Marcel Duchamp. Poco después de la guerra, para 1915 llegó a Nueva York, en donde fue testigo del nacimiento del dadaísmo en Estados Unidos.

  5. 29 de dic. de 2007 · In his work Gleizes uses this framework to establish the complex social relations of subjects to their changing environments. Women with Animals takes on a largely unconventional modernist subject matter a middle class woman in a domestic interior in order to comment on class.

  6. As in a number of his other paintings of this period, Albert Gleizes depicts a domestic interior scene in a self-consciously “modern” style. Here the seated woman is the wife of Raymond Duchamp-Villon, the sculptor who took part in the discussions of the Cubist group at Puteaux during the early teens.

  7. Inspired by a true story, Invincible recounts the last 48 hours in the life of Marc-Antoine Bernier, a 14-year-old boy on a desperate quest for freedom. ‘Woman with Animals’ was created in 1914 by Albert Gleizes in Analytical Cubism style.